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How chemical-based sunscreen effects your health:

While research on the long-term health effects of chemical-based sunscreen is limited, it has been confirmed through numerous scientific studies that many active ingredients in chemical-based sunscreens can negatively impact fertility and overall health. Compounds such as oxybenzone have small molecule sizes, making them easily absorbed into the skin. Combine this with their long half-life, and it makes them accumulate in consumers' organs and blood in concentrations much higher than what is considered safe. Overall, it is probably in your best interest to avoid chemical sunscreens.

EDC IMPACT: Chemical UV filters can affect human sperm function in a progesterone-like manner write about studies that show the negative impacts on both men and women caused by chemical sunscreen compounds. The results from their research are evident. It is said that “multiple chemical UV filters have been shown to induce a Ca2+ influx through CatSper, thus mimicking the effect of progesterone on Ca2+ signaling(Rehfeld, para. 1). It clearly shows how sperm function is impaired by compounds present in chemical-based sunscreens.

Concerning Facts About Oxybenzone:


According to the CDC, 97% of Americans have oxybenzone in their bloodstream

  • "It’s considered a hazardous eye irritant and, as an allergen, is also known to cause skin allergies

  • As a hormone disruptor to coral, it also causes hormone disruption in humans, affecting estrogen production, particularly in women, and testosterone production in men.

  • There’s mounting concern that oxybenzone causes skin cancer, according to research groups such as the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and other leading toxicology experts.

  • A team of researchers at the State University of New York and the National Institutes of Health found a link between a concentration of benzophenones (the categorization to which oxybenzone belongs) and poorer reproductive success in men." (Allgood para. 8-10)

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